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How often should I use Cleanse & Exfoliate?Updated 10 months ago

As the Exfoliating Cleanser (step 2) contains active ingredients, we would recommend introducing the Step 2 cleanser gradually into your routine.

We recommend starting once weekly in the evening, and then building up your usage to 1-2 times per week, or 2-3 times per week, depending on your skin's tolerability. We do not advise using Exfoliating Cleanser more than 3 times per week. The skin typically does not need this level of exfoliation.  

Most skin types will benefit from an Exfoliating Cleanser 2 - 3 times weekly to promote cell turnover and reveal radiant skin. However, if you feel like your skin isn’t responding well to more frequent usage, we would suggest reducing it to once or twice per week. 

Cleanse & Exfoliate can be used in conjunction with the other systems, and are designed to work effectively together. If using the Cleanse & Exfoliate in conjunction with our other systems we recommend using them on alternate nights.

If you’re unsure what skin goal you want to achieve, make sure to take our Skincare Quiz

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